Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yesterday I woke up with swollen tonsils. I didn't think that much of it since it happens fairly regularly - although I did feel like everytime I swallowed I was swallowing razor blades.
Woke up this morning and knew something wasn't right, looked down my throat and I was very much fml. Decided rather than go shopping again like we had planned we better see a doctor.
We asked at reception and they said there was a clinic not far from where we were so we went back to our room and showered then went back to reception for her to hail us a cab. Works out the cab driver didn't know the place we were talking about, so he went and asked reception and we had to go into the city not up the road.  She had called and they told her they only take walk ins at night. We get into the city (after stopping at a drive through atm!!) and the place he dropped us off at asked if we had an appointment (no), do you have insurance (no) then she said we don't have any available appointments until January. Lovely.
We went to a place up the road that was a walk in clinic, it was very clean and the lady was real friendly. I had to fill in about a 600000 page document (well 6 pages) asking zillions of questions and wanting to know if I was suicidal and whether I have schitzophrenia, my family history, like a lot of questions. Then I had to tell them how much I make a month cuase they sliding scale the fee! I told them in american dollars and the fee was $99 and $3 for the prescription.
We waited probably 45 mins to see the dr which is standard, he comes in and hes in a wheelchair, as soon as we speak he knows where we are from. He tells us how he spent 7 months in wollongong in 1980, and how he got hit by a drunk american driver there and ended up in the wheelchair.  The irony huh!
So I have strep throat. He sends my prescription to the chemist and all we had to do was go there and tell them our name and they would fill it, cool huh! Problem was we get there and shes like you can wait which will be about 40 minutes or you can come back in about 2 hours! We decided to wait and it was only 20 minutes.
Then we went to a restaurant that the dr recommended (he was real nice we chatted to him for ages) and had a sandwich!!!! I asked for a grilled chicken sandwich but the chicken doesn't taste the same, I think its like smoked or something! Still was nice but wasn't what I thought it would be. At least it wasn't fried or battered. She asked us where we were from then when she went to give our order she goes hey their from australia and this other worker comes over for a chat, I must admit people seem pleased to meet aussies!
We then got a cab back to the hotel, and the driver was full on gangsta, totally a Des, he was jivin to the music, glaring at other drivers for cutting him off, sittin low in his seat, wearing baggy clothes, was real weird!!
Anyways I'm just gonna try get better cuase I don't really feel the best and  I don't want to waste another day on this sickness so I better wake up ok tomorrow!


  1. Well that sucks you got sick while you are here. Can't believe the stupid receptionist didn't recommend an urgent care place to go to instead of a regular doctors office, cause urgent care are for situations like you are in. Well American women especially love the Australian accent and they totally dig Australian men when they talk. That's why Hugh Jackman and Mel Gibson before he went crazy were the talk of all the ladies here. I know my wife digs guys with Australian accents :)

  2. aww wat an epic event well hope u get better :)

    bahaha at the gangsta cabbie :)actually sounds just like meeee lol

    get some rest and get well :)

  3. Nothing worse then getting sick whilst on holidays... hope you’re feeling a lot better :)

  4. Well Grant its ok the wait wasn't that long.
    I'm getting better, just coughing the crap up now fml!

  5. Here's a question for ya, Who'd you think they'd be more curious to meet in America, An aussie or a scot :P

    I know being in the garage its alot more interesting to hear an Aussie than an American speaking

