Thursday, October 7, 2010


What a LONG flight....... our flight from Sydney to Brisbane went well, then Brisbane  to LAX was delayed an hour and a half, then we rushed to get the next plane to NYC but ended up waiting for the rest of the bloody world! I think we showed our passport about 666 times, dudes I totally get your paranoia but seriously we weren't even in NYC yet!
So we get to NYC and come outside and its like ummmmmm how do we get to our hotel... and of course this dude is ready for us (he was a Des) and he was a sweet talker (and my n I'm saying hes an n not that your a sweet talker)... this whole trip I've been meh whatever I'll just tag along so I didn't even listen to what was going on, we bought tix to take us from the airport to the hotel... after we spent  66 hours going to every bloody arrivals lounges that seem to be australia wide we get to our stop. It was central station. We thought that we would be stopping at certain places but we ended up being dropped off there and waiting for OVER AN HOUR to get our next bloody bus!! So the guy comes to take us to our hotel and I tell you I have NO IDEA AT ALL what he said the whole time, we thought he might of been Cuban, he was so fucking arrogant and expected a tip when he was CRAZY LATE and made us stand in the rain and you all know I got my hair done yesterday (or is it the day before?)
So we get to the room, we've gone all Martie McFly and gone back in time, wooooooooooooo (thats supposed to be a spooky sound) and we are all so tired and beat but hungry. So we go order a pizza, and its about the size of my car, but you know me I don't eat it with my hands so I'm trying to cut this sucker up on a paper plate with plastic utensils fml!!! Adam ended up improvising and making this serviette type conconction for me so I got to eat it with my hands but not touch it. How awesome is the hus, high fives from all. Oh and your welcome... thats what they all say here!
Then the moment we have all been waiting for... BUD ON TAP!!! Do you know how excited I was? I honestly was doing little wee's!
Heres how happy I was...



  1. Wow wow wow!!! what a f**king mission to get there!
    It was so worth it though when you saw those buds ?? seeing your cheesy face drinking bud, OMG!! I killed myself laughing (dont you know you shouldnt make pregnant people laugh, they might pee in their pants!!!)
    Well I hope you guys have a fantastic time!!

  2. woo hoo!!! betcha the Bud tasted gooooooood
    LOL you are like me with pizza then, I love it but don't wanna touch it ;o)

    glad you got there safely... mwah!!

    Can't wait for more pics & a novel ;o)

  3. Haha so you got a new York sized pizza I take it :). I'm surprised you waited till you got to new York to get your bud and didn't get in LA. Well glad you made it safely and oh yeah I forgot to tell you about tipping taxi drivers and people who load and unload your luggage :)

  4. I don't think i'd want to sign up a round the world plane trip any-time soon then, But at least you both made in one piece with all your bags.

    Yeah i may have tipped the dude even just a little even if he seem arrogant he may have not been but Cuz he was late well thats a different story NO Tip For You.

    u know this whole time am trying to think if we even have any bars that have Bud on tap, can't say I noticed since I Drink the Jack but positive there must be some.

    Well i assume thats just a first of many Bud's n see what would u do without Adam, You'd go hungry trying to eat Pizza with plastic tools

  5. no matter how bad the service is they expect you tip as thats what they live off. So are you going to install a bud tap when you get home? hahahaha

  6. bahaha i was laughying soo hard thru this post ahhh how funnay and i got a mention tooo lol
    glad to hear u got that bud now gooo parttaay , y , casue its newwww ur in neww yorrrk :) xoxo

  7. What a long trip but you are there and it looks like it was worth the wait....AHHHHH BUUUUDDDDD......Your face says it all a dream come true...KEEP THEM COMING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. HAHA about mentioning Des and eating pizza with plastic knife and fork :P glad you got to have some Bud on tap!! xx

  9. It was a total pain in the butt eating the pizza like that and I took a pic of how bloody massive that thing was, omg!!
    MMMMM bud yummo.... It was so exceptional, we were all so tired and wanted to just go to bed but I had to have one, then one more and sure I'll just scull another hehe....
    Goth shopping today!!!!!

  10. I’m still sooooo f**king jealous! Remember, you’re in New York; almost everyone’s an arrogant c**k! It’s Liberty City!!! Don’t forget to try a Sam Adams on tap for me... just try it, it wont kill ya to try another beer :) Have an awesome time guys, look forward to seeing more posts and pics.

  11. Oh christ we were waiting at the lights and adams like it sounds like liberty city, random shit being said everywhere haha

  12. HOLY SHIT! Is that Adam......drinking a.....BEER!

