Thursday, October 14, 2010


Yeh yeh you got it, I'm in Miami!
Today we woke up a little late, probably cause this is the first time we had seperate rooms, was nice :)
After we got up and ate and showered and stuff we went outside and I was like.... are we in Darwin? Or Cairns maybe? Cause its real humid out there and air conditioned inside. Anyhoo, we got a bus into Miami but thought due to a recommendation and a search of the online store lets find a hot topic - so we headed to a shopping centre in Miami.  Now I thought it would be a small place but we ended up spending all bloody day there!
First thing we did was eat - Adam had a turkey salad wrap and I had egg salad (that means egg mashed with celery and mayo then they add salad too). Was delicous. Like every other store in the foodcourt had fried shit, one had good stuff.
We then went to Hot Topic and um...... well I got something awesome for you Micum and thats about it. Sorry Grant but it was really disappointing, we even looked online beforehand and found some trueblood stuff, a ton of things I wanted to get for Kim but they had none of it! All the exciting things they had there was a guy who was trying real hard to be Michael Jackson... haha Well ok I'm being harsh they had some ok stuff but I bought a fan and thats it. (and the stuff for Micum). I was lucky thought I did find a store that had some stuff for Kim.... \/vvvv\/
We looked around more and found a Ferrari Store. Adam found something in there he went on and on about for ages afterwards and I practically dragged him back there to get it, he seriously never buys himself something of worth and he deserves it after all the shit I put him through. You like?
So very very nice indeed. And about time hus band even in bloody america I write myself off then get sick and you have to look after me, talk about a write off!
Anyways, we were supposed to pick up the hire car on Friday (remember we are so yesterday here) but decided after the long trip and two buses we might get it earlier. So we picked up a Impala - not a 64 f f f f f  but a new one but still we have a chevy! Check out Adam driving in america
Sorry I don't know how to adjust it!
So we then found a supermarket, and bought a heap of shopping and I went so tourist in there, check out the weird arse shit they have! After that we ate and gonna crash soon so we can spend a day at the beach (and yes I bought a umbrella hehe)
We're staying in a suburb called Hollywood

It says bread and butter chips, their bloody pickles!!

In a supermarket - there was a liquor store next door!


  1. Potato bread... That could be really nice, did ya get any? Adam, at any point did you forget what side of the road you had to drive on? How odd did it feel?

  2. Sounds like you guys are having a great time - Ryan misses Aunty Kate and "that man" :)- Adrian

  3. No need to apologize to me about hot topic. Guess it is just like you must have found a bad one there. So where you freaking out riding on the other side of the road while Adam drove? Haha sure you don't wanna give it a try here? :)

  4. Hi Kadam,

    Leah and i finally caught the blog today! Can't wait to hear about Vegas and see the pics. Leah wants to know if the Fangs are real/removable. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back! Let me know if you see Turducken on the menu (it's real - google it)

    Word - Keep it Real Foh Shizzle! (not that americans have probably talked like that for 10 years) - Landrew

  5. Yay presents :D. micum x

  6. I thought i told you before you left not to get me anything, you are lucky your not in Australia, by the time you get back i will be over it.. hahaha.

    Adam's new watch is pretty nice. Are you (kate) going to give driving ago???

    I reckon that potato bread would be pretty nice.
    Keep having a ball.
    Miss yous xxxx

  7. Christ we didn't get any potato bread, we are all craving 'normal' food!
    Adam said he was ok with driving the first time, although I wasn't with him I was at the shopping centre with J.
    Grant I figured that it would of just been a bad one so if I see another I'll give it a go. I was kinda freaking out, theres no way I can do it though its too cacky!
    Kadrian tell captain feathersword I say HIIIIIIIII
    Landrew HI!!! Miss you guys - and yes they are removable I'll show you when I see you next month. Glad you got around to check thsi out!
    Kim, fuck off c, I'm gonna get you more!!! its your b'day while we are here!

  8. OMG... i've got alot of catching up to do :S I haven't been able to sit for long enough to read the blog till now but MY GOD uve been busy well better crack on.

