Nice sleep and wake up in that American Paradise... and realise we don't have American Power. So we stroll to Walmart. You know that place is like Wollies and Kmart rolled in one!
We get back to our room and I cheat and do yesterdays blog (the battery was going to die!) Then we go for a walk on Wikiki Beach.
So after our walk I was like FML because this whole trip all I wanted to do was sit at a bar and drink draught bud ALL ARVO. So thats what we did! Adam kept up to me and had cocktails (Pina Colata, Hawaii 5-0,s Blue Hawaiian) very impressed! of course I'm still going
We sat there for hours..... There was this full on princess looking girl, bleach blonde, fulse eyelashes, thinking perfect body, full makeup... near the ladies restrooms there was this guy from Virginia who sat there to chat up any woman, he talked to me for example - any woman! - so she was walking back with her partner and you hear her say you wish sweetheart - and of course arrogant aussie was like pfft.
So later I had to pee and I go in (its one toilet) and I hear this woman geting vocal while I'm washing my hands and its this older woman. She rolls her eyes. The princess is outside. Its her bf's mother. So they are getting married tomorrow and I end up waiting with her for the bf's mother so she doesn't get hassled by Virginia and I realise that AUSSIES ARE SO FUCKING SHALLOW. She was very nice and I should know this already but most of us are quick to critizise. American's = vocal. Aussies = vocally critical! Quit it australia!!
Anyhoooooo we eat and see fireworks from our room and tomorrow we gotta get up way early for some major fucking exciting shit!!!
the days where you just relax can be the best