Thursday, November 4, 2010


Today we thought whats left to do here.... Lets do Alcatraz.
We wanted to do the night tour but it was only on Thursday to Monday so we had to do the daytime one.
We heard that the Giants were going to be coming through the city too so we thought we would get Alacatraz done (aparently it was only like 2 hours) and then check that out.
Now for some reason our internet died so I'm using the computer provided by the hotel so I can't show you any pics but the ride out to Alcatraz was real nice as was the views.
Once we got there we watched a short movie on the history of the place and then we walked up the hill to see place. You do a audio tour which was really good and very interesting. If you ever make it to San Fran do that tour, its really informative and quite interesting. Adam filmed bits of it so if your ever over and want to watch the video just let us know!
So we got back into San Fran at like 2pm or something so totally missed all the Giants stuff which was probably a good thing - the news said there was over a million people there! There were still tons of people around the area cheering and stuff. American's very much love their sport and the funniest thing of all is the Giant's won the World Series - thats American. Hilarious.
So we ate at this world renouned bakery called Boudin, mostly sourdough. Adam had a chili that was in a round dough thing and I had a sandwich - it had no fries and no cheese!!!!  But wonderful food. Then we headed back and did some packing and the bunch of gaylords had nanna naps (becoming a daily thing... except for the hudsons!)
Then we walked down to Union Square and had some dinner at a mediterrain place, I had pomegranite chicken - very sweet and quite weird but OH MY GOD I FOUND A CUPCAKE SHOP and just stuffed myself stupid on three. YUM. I'm 10,000 kilos heavier and about to be more because my friend Bud is beconing....
See ya san fran, I won't be back!

1 comment:

  1. well done hudsons keep up the good work , none of this nanna nap nonsense lol :)

